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Products catalog > THANYAPORN™ > THANYA004 | Capsules Sea Holly 100 caps.

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6.30 $


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Capsules Sea Holly 100 caps.



  • Capsules
  • 100 gram
  • 150 gram
  • 100 pieces
  • Thailand

Thai capsules Sea Holly is a natural herbal medicine based on the Acanthus Sea Holly plant and is widely used to treat various types of allergic reactions on the skin and in chronic and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs (bronchitis, asthma, cough, when the body reacts to pollen, animal hair, allergies caused by insect bites, dermatitis, urticaria, lichen, fungal infections of the skin and nails, boils, eczema, psoriasis). In addition, Sea Holly capsules have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. They effectively cope with eczema, psoriasis and allergic dermatitis. With regular use of the drug, lymph is cleansed and the general condition of the skin improves. This phytopreparation also has a general strengthening effect, strengthens the immunity of your body and helps to maintain your immune system in excellent shape, improves skin and hair condition.

Acanthus is a natural and effective antiseptic. It contains a large amount of alkaloids, trigonellins and acanthicypholines. It is an excellent anti-allergic agent, treats eczema, skin rashes, allergic dermatitis and cleanses lymph. Acanthus is indicated for use in frequent, chronic colds, bronchial asthma, various allergic reactions. Relieves itching, inflammation and soothes the skin. It can be used to treat furunculosis, non-healing wounds, suppurations and abscesses. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves neuralgia and provides good relief from rheumatism. Removes toxins, is an excellent anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antimutagenic agent.

Indications for use:

  • for the treatment of all types of allergies
  • to relieve allergic itching
  • to eliminate cutaneous manifestations of sexually transmitted infections
  • for the treatment of skin rashes of non-infectious etiology
  • for the treatment of various types of dermatitis
  • for the treatment of eczema and psoriasis
  • for the treatment of various types of lichen
  • for the treatment of various types of fungus
  • for the treatment of urticaria
  • for cleansing lymph
  • for the treatment of chronic and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs (bronchitis, asthma, cough)
  • for resorption of small boils
  • for the treatment of non-healing wounds, abscesses and suppuration
  • for the treatment of rheumatism
  • for the treatment of neuralgia (calms the nervous system)
  • to increase immunity


  • individual intolerance to components
  • pregnancy and lactation
  • avoid overdose and prolonged use: may cause side effects in the form of urinary tract pain

Sea Holly Capsules - All Natural Product! Does not contain artificial additives and dyes! Each capsule contains 310 mg of Acanthus extract (Acanthus Sea Holly).


Take for adults - 2 capsules 3 times a day after meals, with a small amount of water, for 6-8 weeks.

For children from 3 to 5 years old, 1 capsule per day; older than 5 years, 2 capsules per day. With fungal infection, the course is 6 months (nail growth time), use for a week, break for three weeks.

Si Holly capsules are a phytopreparation of cumulative action, so the effect begins to appear after 10-14 days of continuous use.

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